Health and Resources
Check out the following links for additional information for helpful resources:
CDC recommended procedure for professionals:
Protect Your Patients and Staff from COVID-19:
CDC’s Recommended Infection Control Procedures Poster:
CDC Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID 19) Frequently Asked Questions:
How to protect yourself from Coronavirus Disease:
CDC Coronavirus information
The NCCAM conduct various research projects and clinical trials using complementary and or
alternative treatments.
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
This website provides information for all medical subjects and updated research information.
Provides information for illicit drugs and prevention.
Provides information for Reflexology.
Reflexology Association of America
Provides resources information for practitioners and clients.
Acupuncture referral service in your area
Provides information and resources for Ayurvedic medicine.
The National Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine
Provides information and resources for Homeopathy.
National Center for Homeopathy
This website provides basic information for naturopathy.
Complementary Healthcare Information Service - UK
Ocupational Safety & Health Administration homepage:
Medical Qigong exercise: Medicine begins with me provides continuing education medical Qigong
classes for professionals and the
general public: The instructors Frank Chan and Eva Lew, M.D. are experts and passionate in Chilel
Qigong for health:
Please check out their websites and classes:
Certified and dedicated Chilel Qigong instructors and classes around the country:
Theresa Ferguson in Ojai, CA- contact:
Charles Bonar in Thousand Oaks, CA contact:
Reyna Lerma in San Diego, CA contact:
Fay McGrew in San Diego, CA contact:
Beth Ambriel in Hawaii, contact:
8 Brocades Qigong Practice
Online Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction website offer free video instructions:
UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center offers free guided meditations
The advancement of the medicine has increased the laboratory testing, this website provides
information of the laboratory tests
and significance of the results for patients understanding their own health management,
Deep breathing exercise:
Dermatome diagram-It's a guidelines for the health practitioners to evaluate the reflex of the nervous
ystem which is responsible
for the sensation of the area of skin for the general population, there is always variations and
uniqueness of the individual.
Dr. Andrew Weil’s website has a wealth of information about health and nutrition:
Snow Lotus Herbal and aromatherapy information:
US Dept. of Health has Health Awareness Months chart that promotes awareness of our health in
each month
Support Groups and Resources for Health:
AA Alcoholism information & treatment centers (800) 234 0420. Alcohol Abuse 24 Hour Hotline and
Treatment (800) 222-0828
Write for more information, contact National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug information at
(800) 729-6686 (
and the National Institute on Alcohol and Alcoholism ( April 8, is National
Alcohol Screening Day,
call (800) 636-7600 for rapid access automated system will ask for zip code, and within minutes it
will get the phone number
to the nearest screening center .
Al-Anon World Service Office (800) 344-2666 or (800)356-9996.
AAA Flying Alone provides free copy of handy advice for kid travel solo. Send a long self addressed
stamped envelope to AAA
Flying Alone - MS 75 1000 AAA Drive, Heathrow, FL 32746
AAFPRS The American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery sponsors a program
called Face to Face:
The National Domestic Violence project, which matches victims of domestic violence with facial
plastic surgeons for consultation
and reconstructive surgery at no charge. NCADV (800)842-4546
AARP Foundation Tax Aide volunteers are helping low to moderate income Americans, especially
those 60 and older file their taxes.
Addiction Group is dedicated to help individuals suffering from substance abuse and Recovery to
prevent new cases through
credible information and spreading awareness to as many as we can reach. Every fact-based piece
of content is written by journalists
or medical professionals.
Advanced Medical Directive (Living will ) in California
AIDS Information and resources:
AIDS Project Los Angeles 213 201-1600
Los Angeles-based AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) has been providing treatment and advocacy
for people living with HIV/AIDS
since 1987.
Air LifeLine help people who needs medical care and can not afford the regular transportation, or if
other transport companies
won't take the patient because of their condition, call AirLifeLine. The number is (800) 446-1211.
The address is for donations is
AirLifeLine, 6133 Freeport Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95822.
Adoptees’ Liberty Movement Association (ALMA). ALMA is a non-profit founded in 1971 to help
reconnect families separated by
adoption. The ALMA database includes information on adoptees as well as birth parents. Because
name changes after adoption
are common, the organization uses information including the child’s sex, birthday, and birth location
to reunite families.
A one-time registration fee entitles the user to lifetime access to the database and the benefits of
ALMA assistance with their
family search.
Alcohol Rehab Help is an informational web guide created for people struggling with alcohol use
disorders (AUD) and
co-occurring mental health disorders. Not only offering information on Alcohol Use Disorder, but
also providing comprehensive
information regarding treatment options.
Alzheimer Foundation of America
American Association of Poison Control Centers provides a primary resource for poisoning
information and prevention;
for information about a poison control center in your area, call (800) 222-1222.
American Association of Suicidology Internet address :
American Cancer Society Inc.
National Headquaters 1599 Clifton Road N.E. Atlanta, GA 30329 information (800) ACS (227) -2345.
CancerCare hosts online and in-person survivor support groups and its resource library includes
cancer educational workshops.
Call 800-813-HOPE
Cancer Health information and resources:
Cancer Survivors” Fund – Young adult cancer survivors can apply to CSF for financial assistance
for prosthetic limbs and school tuition.
Cancer Survivor Network; read stories of cancer survivors, join discussion
American Cancer Society TLC catalog, it helps breast cancer survivors to find products and
information regarding prostheses or
headgear equipment, call 800 850 9445
American Childhood Cancer Organizatio (ACCO) is one of the nation’s largest grassroots
organizations at the forefront of the
crucial battle against childhood cancer. We are dedicated to improving the lives of children living with
childhood cancer or
its long-term impacts, and to offering critical advice, support, and assistance to families engaged in
this life-altering struggle.
Contact: American Childhood Cancer Organization National Office: P.O. Box 498, Kensington
MD 20895-0498
Delivery Address: American Childhood Cancer Organization, 10920 Connecticut Ave.,Suite A
Kensington MD 20895 Toll Free Phone 855-858-2226 Local ~ Phone: 301-962-3520
Local Fax: 301-962-3521
American Diabetes Association 1701 North Beauregard Street
Alexandria, VA 22311 1-800-DIABETES (800-342-2383)
American Fertility Association, Birmingham, Al.
American Heart Association National Center 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, Tx 75231-4596
for more information
contact local American Heart Association 1-800- AHA-USA1
American Lung Asociation for Lung Health call (800) 586-4872
American Red Cross History
Los Angeles Local Chapter 11355 Ohio Avenue,Los Angeles, CA, 90025 ~ Phone: (310) 445-9900
ARC- American Refugee Committee works with its partners and constituencies to provide
Opportunities and expertise to refugees,
displaced people and host communities. We help people survive conflict and crisis and rebuild lives
of dignity, health, security
and self-sufficiency.
American Social Health Assn./Herpes Resource Center, P. O. Box 13827, Research Triangle Park,
NC 27709 Tel: 919.361.8400
ASCP American Society of Clinical Pathologists Laboratory Medicine is the monthly publication of
ASCP, a non-profit organization
for educational scientific and charitable purposes. 2100 W Harrison St, Chicago, IL 60612-3798 Tel : (800)267-2727
American Speech-Language-Hearing Assn., provide information on stuttering or for referrals to
a speech-language pathologist.
Call at (800) 638-8255 or write to American Speech-Language-Hearing Assn., 2200 Research
Boulevard, Rockville, MD 20850-3289
American Tinnitus Assn. 503-248-9985 Address: Box 5, Portland, Ore 97207
Aplastic Anemia Myelodysplastic Syndrome Foundation 800-747-2820
Arthritis Foundation based in Atlanta Tel: 800-283-7800.
Provides "Basic Facts" borchure about how to reduce joint stress from arthritis.
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America provide information about allergies and asthma.
8201 Corporate Drive,Suite 1000, Landover, MD 20785 Tel: (800) 727-8462
Bankrate experts created a guide that outlines the donation process to help readers consider where
their rewards can be used to
positively impact someone's life especially during an economic crisis. Here’s the link to the donation
BILY (Because I Love You), a support group for parents and youth with behavioral problems,
call (818) 884-8242,
internet address:, or write to P.O. Box 2062, Winnetka, CA 91396-2062
Bread for the World
Breast cancer discussion network group
Brother's Brother Foundation ships medical equipment, supplies and medication worldwide.
1200 Galveston Avenue,
Pittsburgh PA 15233 Tel:( 412) 321-3160
California Acupuncture Board provides information regarding acupuncture licensing and related
issues. Address:
1424 Howe Avenue, Suite 37, Sacramento, CA 95825-3233 Tel: (916) 263-2680
California Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center call 800 74sight for more information 1404 Lemon St.
Vallejo, CA 94590
California Victim Compensation Fund: The California Victim Compensation Board is a state
program dedicated to providing
reimbursement for many crime-related expenses to eligible victims who suffer physical injury or the
threat of physical injury
as a direct result of a violent crime. CalVCB funding comes from restitution paid by criminal
offenders through fines, orders,
penalty assessments and federal funds.
Cancer Support Community is also known as Wellness Community providing professional
programs of emotional support,
education and hope for people impacted by cancer at no charge so that no one faces cancer alone.
Contact: 1050 17th St NW,
Washington, DC 20036 · ~ Phone: 202-659-9709 · Helpline: 888-793-9355 The Cancer Support
Community Center in
Santa Monica provides free classes for cancer patients and their families. Please call 310-314-2555.
A team of curators and librarians at are putting together a list of cancer resources
and suggested to share
the following cancer resources to this site to help spread the word? They are a great addition to
this website and we truly
appreciated the support from our readers:
Financial Resources for Cancer Patients
Assistance Speaking to Your Doctor about Treatment
Looking Good with Cancer: Tips for Looking Your Best
Online Communities For Cancer Patients
Legal Resources for Cancer Patients
California Poison System has 24 hours hotline for information regarding poison control
(800) 222- 1222
CAP College of American Pathologists provides information for medical laboratory regulations,
quality control standards.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (previous CDC), Atlanta, GA provides information for
means of infection
control official site Main Tel:(404) 639-3311, emergency need (404) 639-2888, voice information
(404) 332-4555
CDC National Prevention Information Network
Cerebral Palsy Information and resources, contact Tel: (866) 579-8495; web link:
CFIDS Assn. of America, Chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome (704) 365-2343
P.O.Box 220398, Charlotte, N.C.
Child Abuse Hotline: (800) 422-4453. The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-4-A-CHILD
(1-800-422-4453) is
dedicated to the prevention of child abuse.
ChildFund exists to help deprived, excluded and vulnerable children have the capacity to improve
their lives and the opportunity
to become young adults, parents and leaders who bring lasting and positive change in their
Chosen Mission Project an inter-denominational ministry, has shipped medical supplies to health
care facilities in more than
80 countries. Volunteers and staff sometimes travel to countries to install equipment and to train
personnel in its operation and
maintenance. Contact: Chosen Mission Project, 3642 W. 26th st, Erie, PA 16505 Tel:(814) 833-3023
Citizens for Public Action on Blood Pressure and Cholesterol, for questions regarding calcium
channel blockers or other high
blood pressure medication by calling 1-800-896-9925 or write to: P.O.Box 30374-HBP, Bethesda,
MD 20824
Co-dependents Anonymous, a fellowship of men, women and teen-agers whose common problem is
an inability to maintain
functional relationships. Its members desire healthy, fulfilling relationships with others and
themselves. They follow a 12-step
program adapted from AA. Address: P.O. Box 33577, Phoenix, AZ 85067-3577 Tel: (602) 277-7991
Compassion and Choices in dying, improves care and expands choice at the end of life. P.O.
Box 101810 · Denver, CO 80250
Tel: 800.247.7421 · Fax: 866.312.2690
Compassionate Friends. This organization provides support to every family experiencing the death
of a son or a daughter,
a brother or a sister, or a grandchild, and helps others better assist the grieving family.
P. O. Box 3696, Oak Brook, Ill 60522-3696
Save the Cord Foundation; Cord blood is becoming the favored source of stem cells used in
transplant therapy. See website for
Cord Blood Registry; Cord blood banking allows you to save the stem cells found in cord blood to be
used in the treatment of
a range of conditions. call 888-932-6568
Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America, Speak with a specialist by telephone at 888-MY-GUT-PAIN
(888-694-8872) –
See more at:
Delta Sky Wish Program Through Delta, people donate their unused frequent-flier miles so those
in need can travel at no expense.
Didi Hirsch Community Mental Health Center; The group provides individual, group and family
therapy, as well as other programs.
Call the Didi Hirsch Suicide Prevention Crisis Line at 877-727-4747.
Digital Security Device to keep your children safe.
This guide features what children do online, the threat of online strangers and how to ensure a
healthy balance between
Internet use, your children’s online privacy, digital security, and more on online safety link:
Direct Relief International sent medical equipment to health facilities to more than 50 countries.
Contact: Direct Relief International
27 S La Patera Lane, Santa Barbara, CA 93117-4767, ~ Phone: (805) 964-4767
Do Something Kindness and Justice Challenge - In honor of Martin Luther KIng Jr. holiday, to
nspire and encourges young
students believe in their power to create positive change and give them the tools to take action.
By participating in the challenge
during the two weeks between Jan 17 and January 28, students and teachers can post their acts
on the Internet, share stories
with students nationwide. All participanting students receive a certificate signed by
Martin Luther King III, and trophies are
awarded to top-performing students in each state. To register by writing to Do Something,
19 West 21st St, 8th Floor,
New York, NY 10010 Tel:(212) 254-2390
To register online at
Down Syndrome: The National Down Syndrome Congress, 30 Mansell Court, Suite 108, Roswell,
GA 30076 Tel: 800-232 6372 provides easy search information for drugs in alphabetical order, up-to-date new drugs,
pill identifier, interaction checker,
side effects……
Drug Rehab/Addiction Resources:{network}&device=c&devicemodel={devicemodel}&placement={placement}&adposition={adposition}&source=bing
Easter Seal Society; Easter Seals offers a variety of services to help people with disabilities address
life's challenges and
achieve personal goals.
Enuresis (Bed-wetting) information ; National Kidney Foundation of Arizona
Epilepsy Foundation of America 8301 Professional Place East, Suite 200, Landover, MD 20785-2353 Tel: (800) 332-1000
Epsom Salt uses and benefits:
Exceptional Children's Foundation To provide the highest quality services for children and adults
who are challenged with
developmental, learning, and emotional disabilities — empowering them to reach their greatest
EyecareAmerica offers eye exam for qualified individuals:
Eye care specialist Andy Rosenfarb, an acupuncturist who is specialized in eye problems, has a
clinic in Westfield New Jersey.
332 South Avenue East, Westfield, NJ 07090 ~ Phone: (908) 928-0060
Equine Therapies:
BraveHeart’s mission brings hope, joy and unlimited possibilities through the healing
power of the horse. The
organization offers a variety of therapies by training people working with horses.
Brave heart is located in
Harvard &Poplar Grove, Illinois
Rebels Farm is located in Ramona, 40 minutes from San Diego, California, offer Equine Assisted
Learning and Equine Assisted
healing to individuals, couples, and groups who want to make significant and lasting changes in
their lives.
Eye exercises to prevent eyesight problems.
http://www.improve-vision- html
False Memory Syndrome Foundation; To seek the reasons for the spread of FMS that is so devastating
for families, to work for
ways to prevent it, to aid those who were affected by it and to bring their families into reconciliation.
Address: PO Box 30044,
Philadelphia, PA.19103 Tel: (215) 940-1040
Family Services Assn. (FSA) has been a leader among non-profits, serving families in need since 1953.
We continue to blaze the
way for our community while encouraging our neighbors to think “outside-the-box” when it comes
to caring for each other.
Families Anonymous, provide information for parents who are struggling with an out- of control teen. Tel: (800) 736-9805
FDA's Mammography Information Service to find out a certified facility
MedWatch: FDA safety information and adverse reporting program:
Fibromyalgia Network (Joint muscle pain), Address: P.O. Box 31750, Tucson, AZ 85751
(520) 290-5508.
Folk medicine archive is available at
Fresh Start a transitional housing, drug and alcohol treatment, and supportive service agency
founded by John & Bonnie Walls in 1989.
Fresh Start Program, a group-based tobacco cessation support program offered by the American
Cancer Society. 800 ACS 2345
FTC Federal Trade Commission Bureau of Consumer Protection for credit rights, call toll free at
(877) 382-4357 or visit the
web site at or
Funeral Consumer's Alliance, provide information for a simple and inexpensive funeral, write to
address 33 Patchen Road,
South Burlington, VT 05403 Tel: 802-865-8300
Gambling Anon International Service Office, P.O.Box 17173, Los Angeles, CA 90017
Tel: (626) 960-3500
American College of Gastroenterology; 6400 Goldsboro Rd, Ste 200, Bethesda, MD 20817
Tel: (301) 263-9000
Gilda's Club in New York A support group for cancer patients where they gather to support each
other and cope with their illness.
There are similar Gilda’s clubs in many big cities Chicago, Detroit etc.
Glaucoma Foundation - to learn more about the vision disease, The Glaucoma Foundation
80 Maiden Lane, Suite 700, New York, NY 10038Tel: 212-285-0080
GlobalGiving is a nonprofit that connects donors with grassroots projects around the world.
Donate to charity and see your
impact with regular updates.
Global Health Ministries supports Lutheran health care projects and institutions in Africa, Asia,
South America, and the Pacific Islands.
Contact: Global Health Ministries, 7831 Hickory St NE, Minneapolis, Mn 55432 Tel:(763) 586-9590
Global Volunteers call (800) 487-1074, 375 E. Little Canada, St. Paul, MN 55117. is an excellent website offers drug price comparison; it's simple to use, just enter the
prescription drug name in the
search field and a list of the major pharmacies with their prices will appear, it also offers coupons
for the pharmacy.
Guide to understanding the opioid epidemic in America: Opioid Abuse in America", the
website offers an overview of how
the opioid epidemic is impacting the U.S., along with information and resources for those seeking to
understand the signs and
effects of opioid use. The guide includes definitions, statistics, and resources about current research
and legislation seeking to
help prevent opioid abuse.
Hand Problem For a free brochure on hand problem and treatments, send a stamped business-size
envelope to: Common Hand
Problems, American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, P.O. Box 2058, Des Plaines, IL 60017
Hansen's Disease Program (Leprosy Clinic) information and National Hansen’s Disease Clinical centers:
Hearing loss and tinnitus information:
HEAR-O Program isa program to recycle hearing aids. Your old hearing aids can be put to good use
through this program. Mail the
padded envelope or box to: Hear Now Program Donation, 6700Washington Ave. S, Eden Praire,
MN 55344 If you have additional
questions, information is available at, or you can reach this program
at 1.800.648.4327.
H.E.A.R. Hearing Education and Awareness for Rockers is a nonprofit (501c3) organization dedicated
to raising awareness of the
dangers of noise exposure that can lead to permanent hearing loss and tinnitus. Damage to hearing
is typically cumulative and
irreversible, not immediately detectable, and it can occur from almost any contemporary music
source or event.
contact us: Location In San Francisco Bay Area call 415-409-EARS(3277) for appts or contact
House Ear Institute, (213) 483 4431. Address: 2100 W. 3rd St. 5th Fl. L.A. CA90057 provides
information and resources for
hearing problems and advocates for preventing hearing loss.
Helen Keller Services for the Blind offers a wide range of services and programs for people of all
ages who are blind or have vision
impairments. For more information on deaf-blind services, go to
Hospice Foundation of America (HFA) is a trusted source of information on end of life, hospice care
and grief. Throughout this
site you will find information about living with advanced life-limiting illness, options for care and
helpful resources for caregivers.
1710 Rhode Island Ave, NW, Suite 400 | Washington, DC 20036 or call 202.457.5811 /
800.854.3402 |
How to locate someone in China
Informed prostate cancer support group hold monthly meeting for up-to-date treatment procedures for
members with prostate cancer.
Call 619-890-8447 P.O. Box 420142, San Diego, CA 92142
International Aid/REAP ships medical equipment and medical supplies; International Aid is one of
the largest reconditioners of
medical equipment in the non-profit world. Contact: International AID, 17011 W. Hickory St, Spring
Lake, MI 49456-9712
Toll-Free: 800-968-7490
International Food Information Council (IFIC) provides information on nutrition facts and guides,
as well as food science, including
food biotechnology and functional foods. the website provides nutrition info by entering a “food name”. The daily apple balancing Blood Sugar for effective Weight Loss alphabetically indexed drug info
Immunization action coalition provides information about vaccinations, 2550 University Avenue
West Suite 415 North, Saint Paul, MN 55114 ~ Phone: +01 651-647-9009
IRS “Offer in Compromise” service to help people with tax problems
Junior Blind of America’s mission is helping children and adults who are blind, visually impaired or
multi-disabled achieve
independence. Los Angeles Campus: 5300 Angeles Vista Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90043
Tel (323) 295-4555
Locks of Love – is a non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to children in need.
Leukemia Lymphoma Society Information Link:
Information for treatments:
LGBTQ Small Business List and ways/tips to support and help LGBTQ-owned small
LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired Headquartered in San Francisco, California,
provides education,
training, advocacy, and community for blind individuals in California and around the world. Founded
and based in San Francisco
since 1902, the LightHouse is one of the largest and most established comprehensive blindness
organizations in North America,
with a wide variety of programs to suit a wide variety of needs, as well as a rich network of blindness
advocates and professionals.
Living Beyond Breast Cancer support resources:
Mad Dads, a national organization men against drugs and social disorder, MAD DADS National
Headquarters:3026 4th Avenue
S. Minneapolis, MN 55408 ~ Phone: (612) 822-0802
Make a Wish Foundation grants wish to children with life threatening illness. Contact address:
4742 N. 4th St. Suite 400, Phoenix,
AZ 85016 Tel: 602-279-9474
March of Dimes provide educational resources regarding nutrition in prevention of Neural Tube
Defects and pre- and postnatal
health of mothers and infants. March of Dimes National Office 1275 Mamaroneck Avenue, White Plains,
NY 10605 Tel: (914) 997-4488
Medical Board of California the state agency that protects consumers through proper licensing of
medical doctors, investigates
complaints and disciplines those who violate the law. It provides information regarding how to search
a board certified specialty
Melanoma Research Alliance and resources:
Mesothelioma specialize in connecting patients with doctors and treatment options that
are best suited for them.
Their services and resources are 100% free to patients and family members. Please contact Macy
Eubank, Community Outreach at (407) 613-2052
website: was created to be a source of hope and empowerment to those
affected by mesothelioma.
Comprehensive information about Mesothelioma and real live narrative by cancer patient Virgil is
readily available at
Visit their site to learn more about mesothelioma cancer and the dangers of asbestos:
The Medscape website is a non-profit organization offers a variety of updated “News & Perspective”,
Drugs & Diseases”,
Continuing education, Academy and video for professionals and general public who are seeking new
medical information.
Miracle Messages, a non-profit organization that works to reunite homeless persons with any
living relatives they may have, but may not know about.
Mosquito repellents FAQ and safety
NCMEC: John and Reve Walsh created the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in 1984.
It’s goal is to support families,
as well as law enforcement, in their efforts to reunited children with their families. Since their creation,
]the NCMEC has helped
recover nearly 200,000 missing children.
Motherless Daughters, a support group for women whose mothers have died. The author Hope
Edelman has an excellent website provides support information and a list of the support groups
in the U.S. cities.
National Multiple Sclerosis Society website provides in depth information regarding symptoms,
diagnosis, treatment, support group and research
Narconon International: The Narconon Addiction Rehab Program has an unique option that uses
sauna, detoxification, nutritional
supplements and exercise to keep people off drugs for good. Tel: 800-775-8750.
Narcotics Anonymous World Service Office Inc., help drug addicts to attend meetings and sharing
experiences to stay away from
drug addiction. P. O. Box 9999, Van Nuys, Calif. 91409 Telephone +1.818.773.9999
NAAFA national association to advance fat acceptance, the goal of this organization is to fight
discrimination against fat people,
to promote self-esteem for fat people, and to have social functions for members.
Contact NAAFA P.O. Box 4662, Foster City, CA 94404-0662
Tel: (916) 558-6880
National Assn. of Anorexia Nervosa & Associated Disorders, 750 E Diehl Road #127, Naperville,
Ill. 60563 Helpline 630-577-1330
National Cancer Institute Bethesda, Maryland 20892 NCI publications, Office of Cancer
Communications provides information
booklets for various cancers, call Cancer Information Service (800)-4 cancer.
The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access
to biomedical and genomic
Indexed Health information A-Z
National Captioning Institute Inc.(NCI), has three offices; Virginia office: 3725 Concorde Pkwy,
Ste 100 Chantilly, VA 20151 V/
TTY 703-917-7600 California office:303 North Glenoaks Blvd, Ste 200 Burbank, CA 91502 V/TTY
818-238-0068 Texas office:
7610 N. Stemmons Fwy, Ste 200 Dallas, TX 75247 V/TTY 214-647-4360
National Depression Screening Day Oct. 8, 2015 Call (781) 239-0071 for screening information.
National Domestic Violence Hotline provide information for locating local battered women's shelter,
call (800) 799-safe
(800) 799-7233 or for hearing impaired, call TDD: (800) 787-3224).
National Eye Care Project ophthalmologist care for qualified patients. Sponsored by the Foundation of
the American Academy
of Ophthalmology. Contact: P.O. Box 429098, San Francisco, CA 94142-9098
Tel: 877-887-6327
Since 1993, the Caregiver Action Network (formerly the National Family Caregivers Association) has
been working to promote
resourcefulness and respect for family caregivers across the country.
National Foundation for Credit Counseling provides a counseling service and a certified counselor near
them and assist people to
live within their budget. Call NFCC at (800) 388-2227
National Gaucher Foundation is a non-profit organization for the purpose of encouraging support and
raising funds to promote
research into the cause and cure of Gaucher Disease. An inherited disease caused by a gene mutation,
resulted a lack of enzyme
gulcocerebrosidase thus unable to break down a body fat called glucocerebroside, accumulates mostly
in the liver, spleen and
bone marrow. The disease is more common in the descendents of Jewish people from eastern
Europe (Ashkenazi). For more
information, please call the Gaucher Foundation at (800) 504-3189 or visit their website at:
National Institute of Health Department of Health & Human Services, Public Health Services provide
up to date health information
Medline Plus:
National Kidney Foundation provides information or answer questions about kidney diseases organ
donation (800) 622-9010.
National Kidney Foundation, 30 East 33rd Street, New York, NY 10016
NMDP National Marrow Donor Program “Be The Match®” is operated by the National Marrow Donor
Program® (NMDP):
Contact National Marrow Donor Program, 3001 Broadway Street N.E.
Suite 100, Minneapolis, MN 55413-1753 In the United States and Canada, call us toll free:
General information about Be The Match or NMDP:1 (800) MARROW2 (1-800-627-7692)
National Organization of Rare Diseases Database (NORD’s) Rare Disease Database provides brief introductions for
patients and caregivers to specific
rare diseases. Medical experts and representatives of patient organizations who would like to assist NORD in developing
reports on topics not currently
covered in this database may write to
National Osteoporosis Foundation, The National Osteoporosis Foundation is dedicated to
promoting strong bones, and reducing human suffering through education, advocacy and research.
1150 17th Street,
NW Suite 850 Washington, DC 20036 [p] 1 (800) 231-4222
National Runaway Switchboard is a toll-free 24 hours hotline that provides confidential crisis
intervention and referrals for
youth in crisis and their families. By calling (800) RUNAWAY, young people nationwide who are
stranded on the streets can be
referred to nearby shelters where they can spend the night safely. Teens can also receive crisis
counseling, and other necessary help.
National Stuttering Project; the National Stuttering Association (NSA) plays a vital role in letting people
who stutter know that
they are not alone. As the world's largest self-help group for people who stutter, the NSA provides
support and information to the
stuttering community through a variety of programs and services, call +1 (800) 937-8888, 119 W.
40th Street, 14th Floor,
New York, NY 10018
National Youth Advocacy Coalition Support Group for Gay Youth - If you would like to find massage therapy schools, chiropractic colleges,
acupuncture schools, or any
school of the natural healing arts. Some of the school has clinic that can provide treatments for
lower cost.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Foundation provide information, contact: International OCD
Foundation, Inc.,
18 Tremont Street, Suite 903, Boston, MA 02108, ~ Phone: (617) 973-5801
Operation Smile , Pediatric plastic surgeons do plastic surgery for children, Address: 3641 Faculty
Boulevard • Virginia Beach,
VA 23453 • USA Tel:1-888-OPSMILE (888-677-6453)
Organ Donar Card: The Donor Card enables people to express their wish to become an organ donor.
the National Kidney Foundation .
UNOS is our Federal contractor that manages the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network
(OPTN)— .
UNOS has a toll free number for any questions you may have about living donation, transplant centers,
or the transplant process.
The number is 1.888.TXINFO1 (894.6361).
Overeaters Anonymous World Service Tel: (505) 891 2664. Address: P. O. Box 44020, Rio Rancho,
NM 87174-4020 Overeaters
Anonymous (OA) offers a program of recovery from compulsive overeating, binge eating and other
eating disorders using the
Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of OA.
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network: The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network offers medical professionals
and researchers a variety
of services, information and support in the form of patient services, research initiatives and our
research grants program.
Pancreatic cancer
Paget Foundation, Paget's disease is skeletal disease of elderly with chronic inflammation of bones,
resulting in thickening and
softening of bones, and bowing of long bones. For further information contact: Paget Foundation,P O
Box 24432, Brooklyn,
NY 11202 Tel: 800-23-Paget
Parents Anonymous, that helps abusive parents develop parenting skills. Most abusers had no role
models in their lives; this
program helps fill the gap. 250 West First Street, Suite 250, Claremont, CA 91711
~ Phone: (909) 621-6184
Patient Assist Program; RxAssist can help you learn about ways to use pharmaceutical company
programs and other resources to
help reduce your medication costs.
Patton Veterans Project -Our mission is to help veterans coping with posttraumatic stress reduce
social isolation and strengthen
family, community, and professional bonds. We accomplish this mission through intensive filmmaking
workshops enabling
participants to collaborate with peers to process their service experiences. We also incorporate
screening events that validate
veterans’ experiences, advance community dialogue, and educate the public about the mental health
challenges facing veterans
and military families.
Peace Corps recruiting office: U.S. citizen at least 21, with skills needed by foreign country such as
Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin
America. Peace Corps Volunteers work at the grassroots level toward sustainable change that lives
on long after their service—
at the same time becoming global citizens and serving their country. Peace Corps Headquarters,
1111 20th Street, NW,
Washington, D.C. 20526 Tel: 855.855.1961
People's Pharmacy The Graedons' People's Pharmacy provides Graedons' Guide to Home Remedies,
and books for valuable
information in drug information, herbal and home remedies and health books.
Pernicious Anemia
Phoenix House Academy Phoenix House California is a publicly supported live-in high school for
teen-agers recovering from
drug problems. Find treatment or support. 1 844-458-3434
PFLAG (Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) Its mission: to promote the health and
well-being of gay men,
lesbians and bisexual people, their families and friends through support, education and advocacy;
to end discrimination and secure
equal civil rights. For information about a chapter in your area, write to PFLAG, 1828 L Street, NW,
Suite 660, Washington D.C.,
20036 Tel: 202-467-8180
Planned Parenthood provides low cost birth control for those having financial problems or whose
insurance does not cover it.
In California, The Office of Family Planning offers funds for birth control to low-income individuals and
families. Residents of other
states should contact their state department of health and welfare. 1-800-230-PLAN
Positive Thinking Health benefits (Mayo Clinic website):
There are so many benefits of positive thinking to improve quality of life, stress reduction is one of
them, please see weblink from Mayo clinic website listed below:
Positive Thinking Quotes:
Positive thinking skills:
Understanding the psychology of positive thinking:
Preventive services for all adults, women, and children contact: (800)318-2596
Prevent Blindness America provides information brochure, call (800) 331-2020. Founded in 1908,
Prevent Blindness is the nation's leading volunteer eye health and safety organization dedicated to
fighting blindness and saving sight.
Focused on promoting a
continuum of vision care address to: 211 West Wacker Drive, Suite 1700, Chicago, Illinois 60606
Project Angel Food, deliver meals to homebound patients in Los Angeles, call 323-845-1800.
Project Angel Food, 922 Vine Street,
Los Angeles, California 90038
Prostate Cancer Information, understanding the signs and symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
options for Prostate Cancer. Call Tel: 1.855.6.PROSTATE (1.855.677.6782)
Recall Report was created to alert the public to the latest information on dangerous drugs and
products. Contact Tel: (877) 850-7059
Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic® is now Learning Ally.
Recovery International: The mission of Recovery International is to use the cognitive-behavioral,
peer-to-peer, self-help training
system developed by Abraham Low, MD, to help individuals gain skills to lead more peaceful and
productive lives The recovery method
is a system for controling temperamaental behavior and changing attitudes toward nervous
symptoms and fears. It's one of the best
self-help groups afloat and it's worldwide. Recovery Inc., 105 W. Adams St., Ste. 2940, Chicago,
IL 60603 ~ Phone: 312-337-5661 helps Addition treatments and rehab resources:
Rheumatoid Arthritis Support Network (RASN); A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization to help raise
awareness on ways to manage arthritis
Resolve Inc. Support organization offers support, peer counseling, medical referrals and education
for people with infertility problems. –
RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association; 7918 Jones Branch Road, Suite 300, McLean, VA 22102
~ Phone: 703.556.7172
Safer chemicals Org
Share, the self help and recovery exchange, nonprofit group founded by the Emotional Health Assn.
provides meetings for support
groups (310) 846-5270,
Skin Cancer Foundation provide information for melanoma, 149 Madison Avenue, Suite 901, New York,
NY 10016 ~ Phone: (212) 725-5176
Sleep Help, a site devoted to spreading awareness of sleep health and wellness. Since many addicts
in recovery will experience sleep
problems like insomnia and fatigue, there are extensive written guides examining how to manage
these issues without returning to
substance abuse or resorting to habit-forming sedatives to get to sleep. Please check it out here:
Sleep related resources:
Contact: Stephanie Linder, Community Outreach | Sleep Help,1601 5th Ave, Suite 1100, Seattle,
WA 98101
SNAP (Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests) provides support groups for victims.
Contact : 877-762-7432 PO Box 6416, Chicago, IL 60680-6416
Speech Pathology Education Guides publish unbiased, professionally reviewed content that helps
current & prospective college students looking for guidance on training & educational opportunities
in the speech pathology industry, that include lists of scholarships, comprehensive degree program
data, licensing & certification info by state,
and career profiles for the industry. You can see the guide here:
Spondylitis Association of America, a form of spinal arthritis that strikes primarily young people
provides books, brochures information and monthly newsletter for ankylosing spondylitis,
call (800) 777-8189 PO Box 5872, Sherman Oaks, CA 91413
St. Baldrick’s Foundation is advocate in childhood cancer and raise funding for filling the gap for
children with cancer. Contact address: 1333 South Mayflower Avenue, Suite 400, Monrovia, CA 91016
Tel: 888.899.2253 toll free 626.792.8247 phone 626.584.6374 fax
Strokes - Warning signs of strokes: (source: American Heart Association) (800) AHA-USA1.
-Unexplained dizziness, unsteadiness, or sudden falls, especially when they are accompanied by
other symptoms.
-Sudden, severe headache with no apparent cause.
-Sudden weakness or numbness on one side of the body.
-Difficulty speaking to or understanding others.
-Sudden dimness or loss of vision.
For more information, write to: What You Should Know About Stroke Prevention, AHRQ Publications
Clearinghouse, P.O. Box 8547, Silver Spring, MD 20907 or call: (800) 358-9295.
Contact : Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality for other health information
Office of Communications and Knowledge Transfer
540 Gaither Road, Suite 2000, Rockville, MD 20850.
Communicating by Phone with AHRQ: The public inquiries number is: (301) 427-1104.
Stuttering Foundation of America, P.O. Box 11749, Memphis, TN 38111-0749 Tel: (800) 992-9392
or (901) 761-0343. or contact the American Speech-Language-
Hearing Assn. 10801 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20852
Tel; Non-Member: 800-638-8255
Suicide Prevention Resource Center, 1-800-273-TALK (8255) .
Survivors of Incest Anonymous Inc., World Service Office, P.O. Box 190, Benson, MD 21018-9998
Tel: 410-893-3322
Susan G. Koman Breast Cancer Foundation is the most widely known, largest and best-funded
breast cancer organization in the United States.[1]It provides supports and fund research to end
breast cancer worldwide. Contact: Headquarters: 5005 LBJ Freeway, Suite 250, Dallas, TX 75244
Tel: 1-877 GO KOMEN(1-877-465-6636)
Syracuse Cancer Research Institute, Inc; 127 Edgemont Dr., Syracuse NY 13214 Tel: 315-472-6616
Dr. Benjamin Gold use Hydrazine sulfate to treat Cachexia, a severe loss of weight and energy in
cancer patients, HS may deprive the cancer cells of glucose and other elements.
The Alexander Graham Bell Assn. for the Deaf : The Alexander Graham Bell Association for the
Deaf and Hard of Hearing helps families, health care providers and education professionals
understand childhood hearing loss and the importance of early diagnosis and intervention.
Through advocacy, education, research and financial aid, AG Bell
helps to ensure that every child and adult with hearing loss has the opportunity to listen, talk and
thrive in mainstream society. Contact address: 3417 Volta Place N.W. Washington D.C. 20007
Tel: 202/337-5220
The Alzheimer's Assn. provide brochure education information hotline 800 272 3900. Alzheimer
diagnosis, research, treatment and supports patient’s outcome. Contact : Alzheimer's Assn.,
National office 225 N. Michigan Ave., Fl. 17, Chicago, IL 60601-7633 tel: 312.335.8700
The Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) is the nation’s leading organization representing
people with hearing loss. HLAA provides assistance and resources for people with hearing loss and
their families to learn how to adjust to living with hearing loss. Contact: 7910 Woodmont Ave,
Suite 1200, Bethesda, MD 20814, ~ Phone: 301.657.2248
The Heart Touch Project is non-profit, educational and service organization devoted to the delivery of
compassionate and healing touch to home or hospital-bound men, women, and children. Since its
inception, Heart Touch has become an important resource for many of Southern California’s largest
non-profit organizations, who have seen
the positive effects of "Compassionate and Healing Touch Therapy” on the most ill members of our
The Hemlock Society USA advocates legalization of physician aid in dying for terminally ill patients
should they choose this method of ending. For more information and to receive two helpful booklets
"Patients' Rights & Resources", and " A letter to my physician". In 2003 the national organization
renamed itself, and a year later merged with another
group into a newly formed national organization called Compassion & Choices. P.O. Box 101810,
Denver, CO 80250 Tel: 800.247.7421 ·
The Maple Counseling Center of Beverly Hills, a nonprofit community counseling organization,
contact 9107 Wilshire Boulevard, Lower Level, Beverly Hills, California 90210
Business: (310) 271-9999 Fax: (310) 247-4910
The National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse (NCPCA) 800-55-NCPCA was renamed Prevent
Child Abuse America in 1999, the focus on cutting-edge work has continued throughout the
organization’s history. Contact address: 228 South Wabash Avenue, 10th Floor, Chicago, IL 60604 ~
Phone: 312.663.3520
Fax: 312.939.8962 or 1.800.CHILDREN (1.800.244.5373) Information and Referral
The One Shoe Crew (TOSC), Exchange shoe for amputees. $ 3.00 membership fee. Call, email or write: PO Box 285, Rio Linda, CA 95673 Tel: 916/991-0412
The National Rosacea Society (NRS) is the world's largest organization dedicated to improving the
lives of the estimated 16 million Americans who suffer from this widespread but poorly understood
disorder. Rosacea is an adult skin disorder, the first sign of rosacea may be as simple as a redness
of the face, resembling a blush or sunburn.
Without early treatment, the condition may develop into acne-like pimples and thin red lines due to
enlarged blood vessels. Contact: National Rosacea Society , 196 James St. 220 Barrington,
IL 60010 ~ Phone: 1-888-NO-BLUSH Email:
The Ovarian Cancer Research Fund, is devoted specifically to providing information about ovarian
cancer. Headquarters: 14 Pennsylvania Plaza, suite 1710, New York, N.Y. 10122 . ~
Phone: (212) 268-1002
The Viral Hepatitis Action Coalition is a public-private partnership developed by the CDC Foundation to
help the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) make meaningful advances in the
prevention, screening and treatment of viral hepatitis.
TOUGHLOVE® International is a non-profit, self-help organization that provides ongoing education
and active support to families, empowering parents and young people to accept responsibility for
their actions.
Trichotillomania Foundation, compulsive hair pulling disease, may be caused by chemical imbalance.
Send $ 2 for literature and guidance to Trichotillomania Learning Center, 207 McPherson Street,
Suite H, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Tel: 831-457-1004
Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT) –The mission of the Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT) is a
501(c)3 that exists to educate, equip, empower and mobilize members of the trucking and travel
plaza industry to combat domestic sex trafficking.
United Parents support group provides meetings and information for those who needed.
Contact: 391 South Dawson Drive Suite 1A, Camarillo, CA 93012 Tel: (805) 384-1555
Truthfinder is a website that helps people search for public records:
Victims of Crime Resource Center. The phone # (800) 842-8467 Contact: University of the Pacific,
McGeorge School of Law, 3200 Fifth Avenue, Sacramento, California 95817
Volunteers In Service In Our Nation (VISION USA) is a program that provides basic eye health and
vision services free of charge to low-income, uninsured individuals and their families. VISION USA
is provided by participating AOA member optometrists who donate their services. Vision USA,
Volunteers in service in our nation, provide
eye exam for low income working people call Toll Free: (800) 766 -4466 Write to Vision USA
address: 243 No. Lindbergh Blvd. St, Louis, MO 63141 Tel; (800) 766-4466
Vista Del Mar Child-Care Service provides a variety of family child services including adoption,
counseling, and social services.
WebMD – Provides general health information
Baby birthing process:
Words Alive Rolling Readers San Diego, California 92109 Tel: 858.274.9673!rolling-readers-/c1jx9
Cancer Stories:
A young woman is sharing her story about finding thyroid cancer:
An important message from a young woman about finding breast lumps:
We often ignore that good health requires some efforts; Chinese sages have an old quotes that
cultivate healthy habits to longevity. Please see translation below:
Get up early in the morning, sleep well at night, eat less than 70% of fullness, and run regularly,
laugh often, don’t worry too much, keep oneself busy every day, these are good ways for staying young.
Walk 5000 Steps every day, sleep at least 7 hours every night.
Do not over indulge on food, live a balanced life of work and rest.
Be happy and content. Don’t make unnecessary complaints.
Love others as if loving oneself; help others from the bottom of your heart.
“Tolerance” is building for future blessing; “Happiness” is good for longevity,
“Exercise” is the foundation for health; “Meditation” is good for the mind.
Do consider life as an adventurous journey; do not take things too seriously.
A little of ten things daily:
Have a little smile
Talk a little softer
Have a little less temper
Work a little more
Make a little less excuses
Think a little harder
Be a little more efficient
Move a little faster
Talk a little sweeter
Have a little more courage
Other resources:
Los Angeles Food Bank :
KIVA microloan:
We often ignore that good health requires some efforts; Chinese sages have an old quotes that cultivate healthy habits to longevity. Please see translation below:
Get up early in the morning, sleep well at night, eat less than 70% of fullness, and run regularly, laugh often, don’t worry too much, keep oneself busy every day, these are good ways for staying young.
Walk 5000 Steps every day, sleep at least 7 hours every night.
Do not over indulge on food, live a balanced life of work and rest.
Be happy and content. Don’t make unnecessary complaints.
Love others as if loving oneself; help others from the bottom of your heart.
“Tolerance” is building for future blessing; “Happiness” is good for longevity,
“Exercise” is the foundation for health; “Meditation” is good for the mind.
Do consider life as an adventurous journey; do not take things too seriously.
A little of ten things daily:
Have a little smile
Talk a little softer
Have a little less temper
Work a little more
Make a little less excuses
Think a little harder
Be a little more efficient
Move a little faster
Talk a little sweeter
Have a little more courage
Other resources:
Los Angeles Food Bank :
KIVA microloan:
Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.